We scheduled a week in Rockport, ME originally to attend the annual Lobster Festival. That was cancelled due to the pandemic but we came up anyway. No problem finding other things to do. You can’t be in coastal Maine without visiting the beautiful lighthouses.
If this lighthouse looks familiar to you, then you know your movie trivia. Marshall Point Lighthouse is the lighthouse that Forrest Gump touches during his run across the country.

Mount Battie
A hike with many rock scrambles to get the best view of the city of Camden.

Beech Hill Preserve
Short walk to view the blueberry fields. It was blueberry season and we couldn’t resist picking some to taste.

Speaking of eating…best lobster rolls ever at McCloon’s Lobstah Shack. Lobster hand picked and fresh off that day’s boat.

Puffins and Stuff
Andre the Seal (May 16, 1961 – July 19, 1986) was a male harbor seal pup found and adopted by Harry Goodridge. Harry raised the pup, hoping the seal would become his scuba diving companion, and expecting that the seal would eventually return to the wild when given the opportunity. Instead, Andre chose to stay with Harry in Rockport until his death in 1986.

Also got to see some real seals.

The quintessential Maine harbor city of Port Clyde.

Eastern Egg Rock is the world’s first re-established seabird colony. Puffins mate for life and are smaller than most think, about the size of a soda can. They are terribly cute and we couldn’t wait to see them.

Now it’s off to Bar Harbor and Acadia National Park.
10 thoughts on “Puffins & Stuff”
Sounds like you guys were busy. We stopped in to see you in Bar Harbor but you were not at your rv. Travel safe
Hi Carol, Sorry we missed you. I sent you an email with my phone number. If you come by again we would love to see you. Take care.
Your contact information fell off my phone. Please text me your information.
Glad you found my contact information. Appreciate your text about Bar Harbor. We loved it here too. Take care.
Love Puffins. Were the blueberries tasty? Beautiful place. Again wish I were with you.
Love Glynda
The blueberries were delicious. Love you!
I’m so jealous, love the Maine lobster rolls and fresh blueberries! The puffins are too cute.
Glad you two are still enjoying the countryside. Love you, stay safe!
Love you too. Look forward to seeing you later this year.
Beautiful photos. Glad you are still having a great time site seeing during this pandemic.
Outside activities are great during these times and it looks like you were never around many people. I love light houses and you saw some beautiful ones. We are still in Durango and will be here until October. We have not done much. Many places are closed but we still have the beautiful out doors and I do take advantage of walking
the trails with my dog. They have closed off 2 lanes of traffic on main street so the restaurants could expand to have out door seating. They have fencing around the seating area on the side walks and street. It is a good way for people to still go to the
restaurants and meet up with friends. We have not done that and not sure we will. We are just being extra careful due to health issues. The weather has been beautiful but very DRY and we have had several fires. We do need RAIN. Great keeping up with you guys. Safe travels and stay healthy.
You are so lucky to be in Durango with all its beauty and escaping the Houston heat. I think you’re wise to be cautious about going out. We should be back in Houston in October for a very short visit and they back again in February. We are going to spend November and December near San Antonio then January in Galveston. Next year our plan it to head to Glacier National Park. Have you and Ed been there? If so, if you have any tips, please let me know. Take care.